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League of Legends is a game that's been around for over a decade now. With so many champions to choose from, it can be hard to determine which one will be the most effective in a given situation. However, there's one champion that's been gaining popularity in recent years due to its unique playstyle: the Bandle City Bruiser, also known as the "God of the Bush," or simply "The Bear."


The Bear is a champion with a unique set of skills and abilities that make it an excellent pick for those who enjoy playing mind games with the enemy team. With its "Ursine Roar," the Bear can clear out enemy wards and gain vision control over key areas of the map, allowing it to set up ambushes and ganks. The Bear's ultimate ability, "Chosen of the Storm," gives it a significant buff to its health and damage, making it an entirely fearsome foe to face in team fights.

But what really sets the Bear apart from other champions is its ability to dominate the jungle. Once it reaches level 3, the Bear can take control of the bushes and use them to its advantage. With its "Frenzied Maul" ability, the Bear can quickly clear out jungle camps and then hide in the bushes waiting for its next enemy prey. This ability has earned the Bear the nickname "God of the Bush," as it can quickly shift the balance of power in the jungle by setting up ambushes and denying the enemy team vision over vital areas of the map.

But mastering the Bear requires a specific set of skills and strategies. One of the essential skills that a Bear player must learn is how to kite effectively. With its relatively slow movement speed, the Bear can be vulnerable to kiting, where enemies keep their distance while continuously attacking. But by using its "Contaminate" ability, which slows down enemies, the Bear can turn the tables on its opponents and keep them at bay while dealing significant damage.

Another critical strategy to master while playing the Bear is to control the bushes effectively. By keeping the bushes warded and clear of enemy vision, the Bear can set up ambushes and ganks efficiently. Additionally, the Bear can use its "Rampage" ability to quickly dart in and out of the bushes, making it challenging for enemies to catch it and escape from its grasp.

Overall, the Bandle City Bruiser is a unique and exciting champion to play. With its ability to dominate the jungle and set up ambushes, it can quickly become a game-changer in a team fight or put the enemy team on the back foot by denying them vital vision. If you're looking for a new champion to master and want to show off your skills in the jungle, then give the Bear a try. You won't be disappointed!